Organising the Fibre Expansion


Telecommunication grid operators invest large sums of money to reinforce their grids and to make them quicker and more efficient (e.g. FTTx, 5G). In addition they also aim to offer higher quality services to customers. Time is a vital factor for grid expansions and can be minimised substantially by implementing suitable IT tools which support digital processes with fewer interfaces.

The module Lovion ASSET FIBER supports processes such as enquiries, inspections, maintenance and especially grid expansions. These expansions can be managed as construction projects that are structured into sub-projects. Measures are carried out as tasks and can be assigned to the telecommunication company or external service providers. All tasks are georeferenced and linked to their technical asset in the grid (e.g. tasks for grid connections are linked to their building). Construction site managers always have an overview of the current construction site status.

Data Model

Lovion ASSET FIBER offers a comprehensive data model that takes special telecommunication requirements into account. This data model depicts digital twins and structures of cable routes, piping, piping protection, micro piping and cables with their internal topology and logic.

  • Expansion clusters and construction site sections
  • Buildings and apartments/flats and other units
  • Customers and contact persons
  • Service providers and technicians
  • Grid assets
    • Cable sections
    • Cable nodes (buildings, shafts, serving area interfaces, etc.)
  • Piping objects
    • Piping protection, micro piping (Speednet piping)
    • Piping fittings
  • Cable objects
    • Cables
    • Cable terminals (e.g. customer FTTH terminals)

Containment Model

The data model precisely depicts the structures of a telecommunication network, identical to the real world. Using a containment model where data is connected logically, the structures within a trench or a cable route are modelled in their exact configuration. These topologically connected objects within their trenches, pipings, cables and fibres can be used for navigation based on their depicted connections.

  • Containment model
    • Route segments with internal piping and cables
    • Route nodes with internal equipment
  • Horizontal and vertical navigation
    • Horizontal navigation
      • … via connected objects – e.g. beween the cable and socket
    • Vertical navigation
      • … via containment – e.g. from a cable to an enclosing speednet pipe to a piping connection

The following illustrations depict the above described options for modelling network structures and network elements for cable routes, pipings and cables in Lovion ASSET FIBER.

Less Interfaces ensure a fluid Expansion Process

Lovion ASSET FIBER is able to adopt the network structure in a predefined asset model (the simplest version being addresses in shapefiles) and then manages the expansion process using external service providers. In this case, managing means assigning tasks with specific instructions and due dates to qualified personnel whilst keeping an eye on the overall status of all tasks. The following visualisation depicts a prime example:

Technicians of a service provider (or overseers) execute their tasks on site using the app on a mobile device whilst documenting the network. The system validates any changes that are made on site und transmits this information back to the back-office. Construction site managers can monitor these activities as well as their service providers and are also able to carry out quality inspections on short notice (e.g. based on compulsory photo documentation). Qualified reports are used for quality controls or for reporting to management.

Status Model

Progress in the network expansion is depicted through a status model. When tasks are executed or completed, their status is automatically changed as well as the status of the expansion process.

Nicht verfügbarDie Adresse wird/hat keinen Glasfaseranschluss bekommen. Es ist kein Ausbau geplant.​Gebäude
Nachfragebündelung​Die Adresse gehört einem Gebiet an, in dem eine Nachfragebündelung für einen FttH Ausbau stattfindetTeilbaumaßnahme und Gebäude
Ausbau Geplant​Die Adresse gehört einem Gebiet an, in dem ein Ausbau geplant ist / aktuell wird.Teilbaumaßnahme und Gebäude
In Ausbau​Die Adresse gehört einem Gebiet an, in dem aktuell ein Ausbau stattfindet.Teilbaumaßnahme und Gebäude
Ausbau In Gebiet Abgeschlossen​Die Adresse gehört einem Gebiet an, in dem der Ausbau abgeschlossen wurde, allerdings für die Adresse weder Homes Passed noch Homes Passed Plus erreicht ist (z.B. Nachfragebündelung in diesem Teil nicht erfolgreich und es hat nur ein Teilausbau stattgefunden).Teilbaumaßnahme
Homes Passed​Im Gehweg vor der Adresse wurde das Versorgungsnetz (Rohrverband) ausgebaut.Gebäude
Homes Passed Plus​Die Adresse besitzt einen vorbereiteten Röhrchenanschluss im öffentlichen Bereich bis zur Grundstücksgrenze.Gebäude
Verfügbar​Die Adresse besitzt einen betriebsbereiten HÜP (APL).Gebäude

Controlling FTTH Expansions

Data of the physical network structure that is recorded in a task is subsequently imported into the system’s documentation solution, provided the correct interface is available. This digital process accelerates the flow of information and reduces media breaks and resources ass well as shortens the entire construction and documentation process.

The following visualisation depicts a typical scenario for different roles and also shows the data flow between different systems:

Execution in the Lovion APP

The Lovion APP provides relevant information in the field including digital maps and documents concerning the construction site. Tasks that are assigned to an employee can be executed and photos, measurements or the length of a piping section can be documented. All updates are synchronised with the server.

An optional add-on for surveying the network is to edit/correct network geometries as well as to document survey points and measurements. A complete documentation of locations (e.g. walls, shafts etc.) and additional notes supports the back-office in their documentation.

Confirmation by the Construction Companies

Information regarding the construction site is available online via the Lovion PORTAL and the Lovion APP. Tasks can be executed and then transmit the data via the Lovion PORTAL or the APP.


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