Grid Calculations


The transition to renewable energy sources is continuously growing. This is related to a strong expansion in renewable energy sources, charging stations and heat pumps. For electricity suppliers, this means that the number of approval processes is also increasing steadily as well as grid capacity. As a result operational grid calculations, especially for low voltage grids are increasingly gaining importance.

Lovion GRID CALC effectively supports users to overcome these new challenges and directly offers grid calculations in Lovion. In addtion to these evaluation functions regarding voltage quality and grid connection applications, the focus also lies on planning processes.

Data Model

Data that is organised in different calculation projects and grids from different Lovion sources is merged into one data model. Next to the grid topology that is usually derived from GIS, customer consumption data also plays a major role for grid calculations. Furthermore, it is also possible to integrate measurement data (from Lovion GRID CONTROL) and energy supply data (from Lovion SUPPLY). Simultaneously, the data model also provides a basis for grid planning where an assistant is used to simulate grid reinforcements and expansions.

Voltage Quality Evaluation

Calculating minimal and maximal short circuit performance as well as other characteristics in GIS is based on IEC 60909/2001 norms. These values are calculated using well established grid calculation methods where relative values (per unit, p.u.) are used instead of absolute values. As a result, the short circuit calculation delivers results on short circuit performance, current and grid angles for each node (busbar, socket, grid connection…). These results are displayed in tables as well as diagrams using a colour scheme similar to the colours of a traffic light. Thus, critical grid areas can be easilty identified.

Grid Connection Assessments

When assessing grid connections, a common symmetric power-flow calculation is applied. A common symmetric power-flow calculation is used for assessing the grid connection. Whilst taking into account existing grid connections as well other power supply sources, node voltages are determined iteratively. Simultaneously, cable capacities are calculated including their power-flow direction. By using configurable templates, various voltage scenarios can be simulated (high voltage, low voltage, power suppliers…). These results are displayed in tables as well as coloured diagrams, analogue to the short circuit calculation.

Grid Planning

Grid plans are carried out with the help of various assistants. Functions include extension requests for existing grid connections, new connections as well as grid expansions, grid reinforcements and switch-overs. Different planning variations can be simulated and compared simultaneously.

Process Integration

Lovion GRID CALC can be used as a “standalone” solution. However, its appeal lies in the integration with other processes. One such process is the planning process which can be optimised by implementing it in Lovion PROJECT. A further application is the interplay with switching measures in Lovion SWITCHBOARD: here, affects of planned switch-overs can be simulated ideally in Lovion GRID CALC. Without question, it’s most crucial role lies in the high number of grid connection applications in Lovion CONSUMER.


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