In the German utility sector, outage management is highly standardised and usually managed and organised uniformly amongst various companies. The is mainly due to the rules and regulations in the electricity and gas sector. Reporting is also extensively regulated and regularly reviewed and managed by the BNEtzA (German federal agency). Lovion offers a centralised module for managing and documenting outages in Lovion OUTAGE.
Lovion SWITCHBOARD provides a central overview of all power grid switching conditions as well as valve positions in pipeline networks. The solution is flexible, allowing users to plan switching and valve placement measures in advance as well as to spontaneously react to unplanned measures and outages. Lovion SWITCHBOARD also provides interactive filters and sorting functions including reports to search for specific measures and data. Once the switching or valve placement measures are completed, the data can be stored and archived and can also be evaluated in further detail.
Planned and unplanned outages are managed transparently in an end-to-end process in Lovion OUTAGE. This solution stands out through its proficient outage notification documentation, the interaction between on-site personnel with their mobile devices as well as a fully quality-assured outage documentation. The solution also supports reporting functions based on the BNetzA rules and regulations § 52 EnWG, FNN, DVGW.
Lovion GRID CONTROL smoothly integrates sensor data from sensory IT systems and also displays notifications derived from these technical sensor systems. Thus, it offers a solid foundation for an efficient digital business process. The core function of GRID CONTROL lies in the flexible sensor data visualisation. By integrating it with the IoT platform Niotix from the company DIGIMONDO, it offers a broad range of visualisation capabilities. When selecting the digital twin in the Niotix platform, the asset in Lovion BIS is complimented by the Niotix visualisation.
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