
The module Lovion SURVEY serves as a documentation tool for surveying projects. It supports on-site surveyors by providing all relevant information concerning the project including checkpoints and other information such as surveying equipment. Once the survey is finished, the results can be edited. Furthermore, a transformation into another coordinate system is also possible.

End-to-End Surveying Workflow

Lovion SURVEY can be integrated into an end-to-end surveying process using the supplementary modules Lovion SURVEY QA and the Lovion SURVEY APP. As a result, the surveying project can be prepared in the back office where checkpoints, reference objects and other information is compiled. This information is then used by the on-site surveyor in the Lovion SURVEY APP where additional objects are surveyed and sent back to the back office. This process merges back office and on-site surveying components and can also be managed through tasks.

3D Visualisation

Lovion SURVEY not only depicts surveyed objects in a map, but also offers 3D visualisations using 3D scans. Automatically generated images in the SURVEY APP, 3D scans and surveyed objects can be used to check the surveying results.

Surveyed Objects

The standard data model provides relevant features for creating new objects in the Lovion SURVEY APP. It is also possible to define attributes and visualisation colours so that surveyors see objects in a similar manner as in the GIS documentation. Various file formats such as DXF and Geojson are supported when using the interface for exporting data into GIS.

3D Scan eines Grabens innerhalb der Survey App



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