Database Document Management System


Lovion DOCUMENTS offers the system an integrated solution for attaching and managing documents directly to the relevant process. Documents are quickly and efficiently linked to the process object and are immediately available when needed. Furthermore, it is also possible to link documents to assets, for example when it comes to technical descriptions or photos. All authorised personnel can access these documents and are able to find them quickly.

Direct Access via the Map

Documents in Lovion DOCUMENTS are georeferenced, meaning that they can directy be accessed via the map. Documents are usually georeferenced automatically through their reference object which they are linked to. For example, a document that is linked to an asset automatically inherits the coordinates of this asset and can also be displayed and evaluated in the map.

Quick Search using Metadata

Document metadata is also stored in the Lovion DOCUMENTS database. Keywords can be configured individually and the system automatically saves metadata such as name, size or date. Documents can be found quickly and easily by searching this metadata. The document can be attached to various objects or processes, which removes any redundancies. As a result, if a document is edited, it is immediately available in all linked objects and visible to all affected users.

Full-text Search

Not only can documents be found using metadata, but a full-text search is also available to search within documents that are saved in the database. Matching texts are displayed in their context using a text excerpt. This helps to search for documents without having to open them.


A further provided option is the versioning of documents where a document historicisation is integrated into the process. Edited documents are saved as a new version and old documents can still be viewed and reactivated. Whilst different document versions are precisely managed in Lovion DOCUMENTS, other processes only see the current version in order to improve the overview.

Easy to use

Documents can quickly and easily be inserted via drag-and-drop in the provided interface. Furthermore, Lovion DOCUMENTS also enables e-mails from Outlook to be attached via drag-and-drop whilst automatically saving metadata such as the subject or author. This helps to later find the document using the search and filter functions.


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