For Grid Operators


Grid assets are usually documented in a geographic information system. Lovion is capable of integrating this data into the system and offers an end-to-end solution for surveying assets in the grid using the Lovion SURVEY APP as well as documenting grid modifications through the solution Lovion SURVEY. Furthermore, it is possible to carry out internal and external grid queries for other processes that require specific information.



Documentation Process based on the Rules and Regulations of GWS 120/130

The DVGW advisories have defined a workflow for grid modifications in the GWS 120/130 to ensure a complete and quality-based grid documentation. The solution Lovion SURVEY implements this workflow and creates a project for each of these grid modifications. All relevant information is documented here and surveys as well as documentation activities are managed, dispatched and executed using tasks in Lovion TASK.

Surveys are integrated into the Process

The module SURVEY can integrate surveying activities into the documentation workflow. As a result, measurements and survey results from the solution Lovion SURVEY APP can be visualized, edited and imported into GIS. These surveying projects are simultaneously linked to the documentation process.


Surveying with the Smartphone

Surveys can be carried out in simple steps using the camera of a smartphone or tablet and the Lovion SURVEY APP. After the survey project is created, assets can be easily documented, photographed and surveyed by clicking in the camera image of the smartphone. The smartphone accuracy is suitable for simple surveys within a radius of about 20 to 30 meters. For larger survey areas with no reference points, a GNSS antenna can be linked to the smartphone to improve accuracy.

Queries based on GW 118 Rules and Regulations

The DVGW and VDN developed guidelines in the GW 188 and S 118 for utility companies and service providers issuing enquiries. The product Lovion MAPS has adopted these guidelines and enables power companies to perform non-discriminatory enquiries via the internet. The enquirers usually include construction companies and planning offices that can carry out the enquiry using the Lovion MAPS PORTAL.


Project Reports

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