Recording Working Hours


The module Lovion TIME SHEET offers companies an effective solution for recording work times if Lovion TASK is installed for managing tasks. Times are registered in Lovion TIME SHEET using tasks. The employee is able to record work time directly after carrying out the task. The time for starting and ending work is automatically saved. Thus, the employee can save the information in one system. This doesn’t only save time, but also improves the user’s acceptance.

Recording working Hours for Salaries and Wages

All information relevant for salaries and wages can be recorded in Lovion TIME SHEET. Extra hours and standby times as well as night, sunday and holiday shifts can be recorded for attendance times. Furthermore, surcharges for things such as dirt or for using a private vehicle can be recorded.

Recording Times for Contracts

Times can be recorded for contracts. This is done for controlling purposes and to calculate additional costs for services rendered. This is possible by selecting a specific contract or measure. A very effective way of doing this is by using task confirmation times.

Consistent Workflow for Approvals

In Lovion TIME SHEET, working hours are recorded on one time sheet for each employee and for each day. All recorded information is clearly summarised on this one page. In order to start the approval process, the employee issues a request for approval. As a result, the superviser can view and audit the time sheet approval requests in an overview in Lovion TIME SHEET. During this step, the supervisor either forwards the information to the ERP System or rejects the entry with a valid reason. In the later case, the employee has to correct data entries.

Forwarding to the ERP System

Working hours are further edited in the enterprise system and not in Lovion. An interface for common ERP systems is usually already available for implementation in order to assure a smooth data flow. For example, the interface Lovion ERP CONNECT offers a certified interface for an SAP System.


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