Survey workflow based on the GW120 / 130 guidelines


It is vital to fully document all assets in order to successfully manage utility grids. This includes assets belonging to the grid itself as well as utility plants and meters. The DVGW has defined some guidelines in the GW 120 handbook to help grid operators meet these standards. The Lovion solution SURVEY QA implements these standards for various processes such as grid connections, grid modifications or maintenance and service work.

Quality-based Documentation

Most utility companies already successfully document their grid networks in GIS. However, the workflow during construction and surveying as well as quality management is often unsupervised. Surveys are carried out spontaneously and the GIS documentation is done weeks later. In addition, no quality checks are carried out during this process.

Der DVGW gibt nun mit der GW 130 vor, wie die Qualität bei der Dokumentation der Netzdaten erhöht werden kann. Mit dem Modul Lovion SURVEY QA kann der Dokumentationsprozess integriert im Betriebsinformationssystem Lovion gesteuert werden. Dabei werden Anforderungen der GW 120 sowie der GW 130 berücksichtigt und können in den Vermessungsprozess des Energieversorgers integriert werden.

Master Data

The process object and basis for managing the process is Lovion PROJECT, a grid connection in Lovion CONSUMER or a survey project in Lovion SURVEY. Alternatively, a construction object is created as a reference if the modules above are not implemented. All relevant data, documents and tasks are linked to a reference object.

Task-based Workflow

The entire workflow of the documentation process is managed via tasks. Each measure is linked to a main task consisting of subtasks. Further subtasks are automatically created during the process if required and are processed in a specific order. For example, the task for the survey, documentation and quality assurance. Tasks can have a deadline or a specific appointment.


All tasks in the process can be dispatched in Lovion DISPATCH. Users for specific groups (survey or GIS department) are managed in the authorization. This means that tasks can be assigned to a specific employee and can also be given a deadline or appointment. For example, a surveyor can be assigned a task with a specific appointment to survey pipeline sections.

Quality Checks during the entire Process

While tasks are being edited, information is being collected to carry out the data quality assurance. If the quality is insufficient, subtasks are created, for example a new survey task. Furthermore, documents such as photos can be attached to the construction measure and are available in the following processing steps.

Evaluations and Reports

Predefined reports can be used to determine information, such as how many surveys have been carried out, how many measures have to be documented in GIS, how long is the average processing time or how many deadlines have been exceeded. All reports are displayed in lists or diagrams. Lovion MEASURE provides an optimal tool for managing the documentation process.


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