Browser Solution for

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Basic Client for various Portals

Internet Portals

Lovion Web Application Server (LWAS)

Platform for web applications (APPs and PORTALs) as well as web services. Next to safety and scalability, the easy installation, administration and operation remains the focus.

For a multi-tiered LWAS implementation it is possible to add an additional server in the DMZ that can be used as a gateway for all external enquiries.

Technical Foundation for

Map Enquiries for Third Parties

The product Lovion MAPS implements the rules and regulations of the GW 118 and S 118 and enables utility companies to perform non-discriminatory enquiries via the internet. Target groups, who usually request these enquiries, are construction companies and planning offices. These enquiries are carried out in the Lovion MAPS PORTAL.

The Lovion MAPS Client was developed in HTML and can easily be integrated into a company’s existing web page. Furthermore, the user interface is designed in such a way that the product is intuitive and can be used without training or practice. If required, help is available in all steps of the enquiry process.


Grid Connection Portal


The CONSUMER PORTAL is used to communicate with the customer who applies for a grid connection. Step by step, the applicant of the grid connection is guided through the application process. Afterwards, recorded data is encrypted and transmitted to the server. The application is then processed in Lovion CONSUMER.

Executing tasks

External service providers can access tasks via the Lovion TASK PORTAL. These tasks are assigned as task packages by dispatchers in Lovion DISPATCH. Service providers only see their assigned tasks and can execute them through the portal using a standard browser. These tasks also include integrated checklists. After tasks have been completed, their results are immediately transferred back to the dispatcher who sees all tasks in a complete overview.


Energy supply portal

Customers can apply to connect their decentralised power feed into the electricity grid directly via the Lovion SUPPLY PORTAL. During the application process, all technical data as well as the measurement concept are recorded. After completing the application, this data is submitted to back-end systems (Lovion SUPPLY or SAP) and commences the technical process.


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