Lovion FLOAT

Circulation Process for Public Stakeholders


In the grid construction processes, project managers are required to initiate large numbers of internal and external circulation procedures or have to respond to external requests as public stakeholders. For this purpose, the process-based Lovion FLOAT module was developed to document both requests and associated responses. These circulation procedures can be easily integrated into the grid construction process. For example, it is possible to create circulation procedures and responses within Lovion PROJECT. Furthermore, it is also possible to initiate construction activities in Lovion PROJECT from within Lovion FLOAT.

External Coordination initiated by Public Authorities

Grid operators and utility companies receive various enquiries about planned developments or other construction measures from cities, municipalities, architects, construction companies or energy suppliers. In addition to the letter describing the planned measure, planning documents are often attached. As public authorities, grid operators are obliged to submit a formal response to various measures. For this purpose, a circulation procedure is created, for example for a new development in an urban area. All parties involved can view the information that has already been submitted and can add their own official statements with attached plans and documents. This ensures that the circulation procedure is quick and efficient.

Internal and External Coordination

An internal/external coordination procedure is initiated by the grid operator or utility company. For example, if a building permit is required for a new construction site, relevant authorities are notified and asked to give a formal response. As authorities are usually not connected to Lovion electronically, e-mails are sent to the relevant public department. When these public stakeholders reply with their formal response via paper or e-mail, grid operators or utility companies document this information in Lovion FLOAT.

Circulation Procedure

During the circulation process, a number of processing steps are covered. They are characterised by different individuals. The circulation process starts with an internal or external enquiry reported by the responsible team for managing public related interests. This team is also in charge of managing the circulation process. The processing step “development proposal” involves the coordinator reporting a proposed development for each enquiry and bringing it into circulation.


In the step “reply”, the enquiry is examined and processed by special organisational units within a responsible division. A formal response is released. Whilst the enquiry is being processed, the central coordinator monitors specific deadlines. If all special planners have given a formal response, these are combined into a single response and sent to the enquirer.

Development Proposal

After an enquiry for a planned measure arrives in the post, it is usually forwarded to the responsible body of public interests, which is also the central coordinator. The enquiry is recorded digitally. If the plans are already available in a digital format (usually DXF-format), these will be adequately prepared by another employee (for example, AutoCAD editing). If the plans are only available on paper, they are scanned and made available in an image format.

Spatial Reference

The plan relating to the enquiry is made available. The affected area is outlined with a polygon in the map and marked with an identification text. The colour of the polygon indicates the current status of the process. Received documents are attached to the development proposal and can be accessed by authorized employees. Documents are made available on a central drive within a specific file structure. The file structure is dependent on the type of development.

Circulation Procedure and Coordination

Afterwards, the circulation procedure is activated by the central coordinator. This means that all organisational divisions are informed about the proposesd development per e-mail and are requested to give a formal response. A responsible person is named for each organisational division. While the action is being circulated to organisational divisions, the central coordinator can monitor the status and make sure that the deadline is upheld. Development proposals and circulation procedures can also be managed and distributed in the Lovion FLOAT PORTAL where replies can also be sent through a web browser.


The specialist planner retrieves the information about the proposed development from the central coordinator via a link in the e-mail. Afterwards, the specialist planner can view the relevant divisional drawing plan and reply after carrying out a first assessment. The specialist adds compulsary points, advice or required measures on a drawing layer with predefined tools. Edited drawing plans are saved and logged in the logbook.

Serial E-Mail

Subsequently, the specialist planner releases a written statement, responding to the enquiry. The statement is attached as a document using a serial e-mail function. The reply phase is completed when the specialist planner updates their reply status. The status may vary depending on the division. The reply is sent to the cetral coordinator via e-mail.

Formal Response

Once all involved organistaional divisions have released a written statement as a response, they are summarized in one formal response. The collective drawing plan is printed out and attached to the formal response. The written response and the drawing plan is attached to the development proposal. Affected organisational division are notified about having received their response. This process step is completed once the processing status is updated.


After the response has been sent to the original enquirer, the enquirer has the opportunity to reply with a new response, which is sent to the central coordinator. The enquirer’s reaction can result in further responses being required, thus starting a new circulation procedure for the same proposed development. The Development proposal is updated by the central coordinator and additional processing steps can commence.

Contact Management

By integrating Lovion RELATIONS, grid operators and utility companies can quickly find relevant contacts such as organizational units or individual people for specific development proposals. When a specific development type is selected, corresponding organizational units and contact persons are automatically displayed.



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