Lovion EYE

Remote Diagnosis of Outages via Smartphone


Lovion EYE is aimed at utility companies and helps employees to manage field work efficiently whilst remaining in the back-office. Smartphone users can authorise access to their smartphone in order to connect to Lovion EYE. “A picture is worth a thousand words” is the motto of this solution and back-office employees have the opportunity to view live video and photo images of the smartphone user on site to better evaluate the situation.

Safe Connection

Lovion EYE is based on a patented product called EmergencyEye®, which is already well established in the emergency services sector as well as in disaster management and other industries. The solution doesn’t require any software installation and is a Saas web service that can be rented out. No data is stored in the solution and it is completely conform to DSGVO and ISO 27001 standards with the required certification. All access points to a user’s smartphone have to be explicitly authorised by the user themselves ensuring that their privacy is completely protected. The server infrastructure is run in highly secured data centres in Germany and the connection is completely encrypted.

Communication Services

Lovion Eye is usually used when a back-office employee is on the phone with a field technician, customer or service provider. Further communication features are available such as chat functions with integrated translation features to support users, especially with language barriers. Furthermore, other users and experts can be connected to the Lovion EYE session if this is required.

Photo and Video Services

The aim of Lovion EYE is to support users and give them advice during mobile processes. For this purpose, the video and photo functions play a fundamental role. In addition to these functions, back-office workers can also direct smartphone users on site by directly drawing on photo images or to use a pointer in the image. Thus, it is possible to get a better impression of the situation on site. It is also possible to save HD photos.

ISO 27001 certified Web Service

Lovion EYE is an immediately available web service that only requires a 3G or higher internet connection. The service doesn’t store any data and is conform to DSGVO standards. Furthermore, Lovion EYE has an ISO 27001 certification and has been in operation for many years using common IT standards. It is not necessary to install an app on the smartphone when using Lovion EYE.

Process Documentation

A session report documents all information and decisions that were made whilst using Lovion EYE in a single session. The module Lovion EYE CONNECT also allows users to save session information on premises in a Lovion BIS installation. In this case, these session reports are directly saved in a database that is linked to related process objects such as a notification, task or project. These objects are usually georeferenced. Furthemore session data can also be analysed and evaluated in the database.


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