Employee Portal

Desktop Mockup mit einem Screenshot des Mitarbeiterportals


Next to the classic Windows and APP client, a Portal-Client is also available for map enquiries. It is possible to query maps and to navigate to specific addresses. Furthermore, a printing and measurement function is also available in the browser so that simple queries can be carried out by employees.

Asset Queries

Internal employees can view and query assets including geometry and attribute data through the Lovion portal. It is also possible to view hierarchical structures of utility plants and to display circuit and piping and instrumentation (PID) diagrams.

Documenting Asset Conditions

Asset damages and defects can also be documented in the Lovion MONITOR PORTAL. Furthermore, other information about the status of assets can also be documented via the web browser.

Outage Management

Outages and information concerning outages as well as their affects can be viewed in the Lovion OUTAGE PORTAL. This means that the location of outages including affected assets can also be displayed in a map.

Recording working Hours

Working hours are recorded in the Lovion TIME SHEET PORTAL which is a browser solution. Extra hours and standby times as well as night, sunday and holiday shifts can be recorded for attendance times. Furthermore, surcharges for things such as dirt or for using a private vehicle can be recorded.

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