Planning and Dispatching Tasks


Activities are managed within the Lovion BIS in a central task pool Lovion WORK. Lovion DISPATCH offers an optimized interface for work preparation, planning tasks and monitoring work progress. Usually a planning phase takes place before tasks are scheduled and confirmed to ensure consistency within the work management process. After tasks are confirmed, they can be carried out in Lovion TASK, the TASK APP or the TASK PORTAL.

Gantt Chart

Work planning in Lovion DISPATCH is done using an interactive GANTT diagram. This provides a clear view of all tasks, available staff as well as resources. Tasks are scheduled via drag and drop with the mouse. Unresolved tasks can simply be dragged from the list of open tasks to the GANTT chart. Work scheduling can also be done in two steps, by first doing planning task packages and deadlines, and then scheduling individual tasks or work packages in detail.


Due to the large and various number of activities and necessary qualifications involved in grid management, automated approaches in dispatching have not proven successful. Therfore, Lovion DISPATCH follows a semi-automated approach with wizards which support the dispatcher with frequently asked questions. For example, wizards show available appointments of individual employees within a defined timeframe or employees who have the shortest travel time to reach a dispatchable task.


Standard availability times for workers can be stored in the system to take them into account when scheduling tasks. Deviations are managed as absence times and can be synchronized using the human resource system via an interface. Available capacities for executing tasks to be scheduled can be viewed in a separate display area. Available capacity is visible for individual employees, groups and for the company as a whole.

Standby Working Hours

On-call services are mainly used in outage management, where 24/7 availability is required. These standby working hours are managed in Lovion DISPATCH and show the dispatcher all necessary information concerning on-call employees in case of an incident.


Assigning and scheduling tasks flexibly is critical for an effective work management concerning grids and network assets. Work on customer premises or on construction sites requires appointments and deadlines. On the other hand, maintenance and repair work is done more flexibly and organised on group level, whereas outage management requires quick responses from the control center. Lovion DISPATCH supports these different types of dispatching strategies, depending on the task type.

Spatial Reference

Planning mobile tasks for grid operators is not efficient without a map and a spatial reference. Lovion provides a map with all resource information for all employees, both in the office and in the field. Many functions use spatial references, e.g. to automatically generate spatially optimized work packages or to organize starting points for workers in the area. The primary goal is to reduce travel time in order to improve the efficiency working time.

Grid Construction

Many tasks in Lovion are related to equipment and process objects. In order to organize tasks in Grid construction, the dispatcher must take into account associated sub-projects with specific planning times. Lovion DISPATCH offers a special interface, especially designed for this purpose where the structure and scheduling of construction projects and a GANTT diagram are visible and editable simultaneously.



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